If you haven’t had the honor of following Courtney Love on Twitter, you haven’t experienced the joy of your Twitter feed filling up with hundreds of Twitpics in a matter of seconds at night. And now you never will because Courtney Love has quit Twitter after she tweeted a naked photo of herself that was meant for a boyfriend. Instead of doing a direct message, she did a public tweet and the picture was posted and mocked over the internet. Her most recent and hopefully last tweet read, “I’m off twitter, that photo was meant for a boy friend.”
Farewell, Courtney Love. You will be missed. But not really. Even though your tweets were 140 characters or less, they were still as indecipherable as when you were on MySpace. May you find an outlet for your cracked out writings where people can understand what you’re talking about. May I suggest the comment section on Engadget?
Besides, who wants her twittering when she could be killing herself! :~]-
Thank you for posting that again..
I died a little again x.x
Love taking off her clothes so much, is there some kind of psychological title for this disorder?… like post traumatic stress syndrome or something of that nature? It’s quite possible that Love is suffering some kind of latent affect of drug abuse and/or psychological/emotional trauma. Love it’s actually a fairly attractive woman when she’s dressed and groomed and she’s a hell of a musician/singer/songwriter. (NOT that she’s repulsive naked….but you all know what I mean). Everytime I read these stories about her I get depressed. A great artist dragging herself through the gutter for a bit of attention and excitement.… Read more »