I hate you, kid from ‘Two and a Half Men’

Angus T. Jones, 17, who plays Jake Harper on Two and a Half Men, signed a new contract worth $300,000 per episode. In May, he signed a minimum 26 episode deal. TMZ did the math for us and that’s $7.8 million over the next two seasons. He also received a $500,000 signing bonus. TMZ notes that’s the minimum and in reality CBS has guaranteed 48 episodes over the next two seasons giving him $14.4 million. In comparison, Charlie Sheen is paid $2 million an episode.

Since Jones is a minor, an LA County Superior Court judge had to approve it. He did so while sobbing into his robe.

Ugh. Two and a Half men isn’t even funny. I’d rather have my nails pulled out with pliers than watch that show. Although this totally puts that lemonade stand I had as a kid to shame. Especially since people found out I was using hose water, lemonade powder and Sweet & Low packets I took from a restaurant.

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14 years ago

gosh, I’m am such a f*g…and charlie likes to be sucked off by young boys

6 years ago

I did not like that they made the child so stupid, entitled, disrespectful, and lazy.

6 years ago

Charlie supported Alan and Jake. Alan was the worst human parasite I’ve ever seen. There are probably people like that in real life – I just hope family members don’t keep giving and giving to bottom feeding leeches. Just terrible