Joe Jonas recorded a PSA for Cambio Cares (cambio means change in Spanish, the more you know) about the dangers of bullying. This probably has more to do with the most recent suicide by a gay teen at Rutgers University after his roommate live streamed a video of him having sex with another guy than it does with me calling Joe Jonas a h**o in every post.
Jonas says, “The fact that people resort to bullying is horrible. If there’s any way to stop it, we’ve got to start somewhere. It starts in yourself, it starts in your school, it starts in your community.” Is this inspiring or is this the same useless thing that’s been said by counselors and mothers for years. Better advice would be to punch your bully in the face and then hide behind your mom.
Actually, getting bullied these days suck. Everything ends up on the internet. Back when I was in middle school when I had my lunch money taken and my pants pulled down in the cafeteria, none of it was live on UStream. All I had to do to stop the bullying was change my name and and then change schools. Simpler times, it was.
Your an idiot!~!
he doesn’t know s**t about bullying
quit your bullying him about not know s**t about bullying. Grow up.
You say he doesn’t know about bullying? How would you know? He said he was bullied as a kid for wearing glasses. And listen to the kind of crap people say about him all over the internet. It may not be to his face, but it’s still derogatory and hurtful. I think it’s a good thing when people like Joe Jonas and other teen stars take an interest in serious issues like this. People that are the age that usually bullies listen to people like him. Why would you get angry when someone tries to make a difference and do… Read more »
he needs to get interested in auto-asphyxia!