In mid-October, Radar ran a story about a few enterprising women shopping around pictures of Kanye West’s penis that were sent to them through MySpace by Kanye. MediaTakeout managed to get their hands on the alleged photos and post them. There’s really only one VERY NSFW photo (here) and it’s just the shaft so don’t get too excited ladies. Hopefully more will come out later because like my grandpa used to always say, there’s nothing better on a Friday than looking at high res photos of Kanye West’s penis. (Via MediaTakeout)
Note that I don’t know if this really is Kanye’s penis because I didn’t stick around to do a thorough analysis. I’ve had enough penis for one day, thank you very much.
Great! This is why he sucks his own dick. That and no one else (conscious) will.
He’s very self-fellating.
The article says, “it’s just the shaft so don’t get too excited ladies”. Hmm isn’t the shaft most of the penis? You mean because you can’t see his nuts and the mushroom penis head it doesn’t count? Sounds like the the writer it the one that’s disappointed and wants the whole enchilada.
Eyewitness News has learned it was actually a whip it out, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours contest between Brett Favre and Kanye West.
he should work on his abs first
Celebrity penis stories at least make the rest of us focus on the health of our own tools. Using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help with common issues like penis odor, dry skin, loss of sensation, blood flow,
Kayne p[enis is average.