Kim Kardashian didn’t want the $1 million cake

Even Kim Kardashian has her fame whoring limits. Kim turned down the $1 million cake Nino Selimaj of NYC eatery Nino was going to give to her at a press conference today for a PR stunt. Kim blogged on Thursday that this was the first time she heard about this and that she’d never spend that much money on a cake. “I’d rather they give me a cupcake and donate the rest of the money to the homeless.”

Naturally, the press conference has been canceled and the cake will be “offered to customers.” Kim also said her official birthday parties are over and all that was left was a private party on Thursday with friends and family. On a yacht. Nothing too fancy, you know.

That could explain the loud sobbing in New York yesterday. Looks like Khloe didn’t handle the news of Kim refusing the cake too well.

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13 years ago

PLEASE, enough of this chick already. ALL she’s ever done is to make a sex tape, thats it, one f*ckin’ tape and she has become a multi-millionaire because of it. Hundreds of talented people work and sacrifice day in and out hoping for their one shot and this chick gets ALL the PR. what is wrong with you in the press, have you never seen a woman before?She contributes so little and yet she’s rewarded a million fold for NO talent. Why, huh? Can anyone tell me why?

13 years ago
Reply to  timtimtim

Uhm… She was a multi-millionaire BEFORE the sex tape. Inheritance from her father. Just FYI.

13 years ago

NO!!! She can suck black cock!!! In Hollywood!!! That means she’s really cool!!! Blah, blah, blah…She MATTERS!!!!

13 years ago
Reply to  noti

lol r we a little angry (or jealous)

13 years ago
Reply to  noti

laffinatu,theres no reason to be jealous of a loose pussy that every slimy dick n***a alive has busted out. Yeah she’s got money, but she’s got the widest loosest and dryest pussy on the planet to go along with that milliond dollar bill that massa gave her for trying to promote his n***a bullshit.

13 years ago
Reply to  noti

laffinatu,there’s a difference between being jealous, and telling the truth.