Kim Kardashian was spotted at Bijan’s Bistro in Chicago on October 19 “snuggling” up to Kanye West. A guy who ate their told In Touch, “Kanye had his arm around her all evening! And Kim sat extra-close to Kanye until the wee hours of the morning. He was rubbing her knee all night — they definitely looked like a couple.”
I don’t know about that. I routinely rub women’s knees all night at restaurants and the judge calls that sexual harassment. Maybe that’s another way of saying we make a cute couple? Why do you have to speak in code, you silly judge.
Like mixing s**t with more s**t…lets hope their STD’s prevent any conception.
I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m going to get corny here, but this chick is like McDonalds, over a billion served.
Now can you guys finally STOP posting about her everytime she F*ckin’ breathes? She does one sextape and now she’s set for life!! WTF ? Why not take some (all )of the space you waste on her and showcase someone with a real talent, who works and sacrifices everyday trying to GET ahead and not give it.Enough is enough.
Kim Kardashian got more dark meat than a KFC chicken bucket.