A few days ago, un-retouched photos of Madonna’s Dolce & Gabbana shoot leaked on the web. They were just another horrifying glimpse into 52-year-old Madonna’s real, veiny, overly muscular self. The one she hides behind good lighting and copious amounts of Photoshop. Feminists everywhere, however, applauded the photos and noted that this is what real women look like.
Well, Madonna doesn’t think people should see what “real” women look like. She’s pissed. Now an investigation is underway to find out who leaked them. A task that shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish. Just dig up the police reports for people who have turned into stone.
An investigation? What is this, a violation of her civil rights or something? She should accept that she’s old.
umm why would she investigate pictures that leaked MONTHS AND MONTHS AND MONTHS ago???
she’s so ugly with or without photoshop!
This leaked photo has appeared hundreds of times in many news reports, all over the world, yet there is something different about this particular photo. Even though the photo is identical to all the others, there is one BIG difference – this photo shows Madonna’s right arm up. Every other picture has both arms down. It is obvious “The Blemish” had photoshopped this photo to add in a veiny right arm. The Blemish has no credibility. The Blemish has photoshopped this photo to make it looked worse, then made a false report about Madonna being pissed off. (Madonna has been… Read more »
Oh, god. Not this again. Listen. For the last time. There is more than one photo in the set to make a side by side from. Get that through your head.
If photoshop can be used to make people look better then it can also be used to make people look worse. I’ve seen Madonna in person recently on numerous occasions and I payed close attention to her arms and face and she looked normal and fine to me. She actually looks rather fresh and youthful. We all know that we shouldnt believe what we see/read online.
Non sense ! madonna never hides her arms when she’s on stage: she’s always half naked so where the hell did you find out she doesn’t want to show her real self ? stupido! she looks great even with veiny arms.
What’s to investigate? She is 52 years old, and in the untouched picture, she looks her age. It’s not too say she looks horrible. It seems she is a little scared to get older. Who isn’t? Madonna, at 52, still looks pretty damn good.