Carrie Underwood is the perfect woman

Married for four months, Carrie Underwood said in an ABC Special that she’s not planning on having kids with Mike Fisher anytime soon. “We just want to be together and keep it as simple as possible. And I think a baby would just make things so complicated right now,” she said. Good. If I was Mike, I’d be pretty pissed if my wife decided to get fat four months into the marriage.

Carrie says she doesn’t go out and party either. She’d rather “go see a movie with friends or… like get together and play board games, or, something silly like that.”

She also says that while her husband chops wood, plays hockey and is outdoorsy, he also likes to shop.

Ha. What a queer. Get a load of this, you guys. Mike Fisher loves to shop. *Dangles limp wrist in air and begins speaking with a lisp* Oh, I just love theeth shoeth Carrie. They are thoooo thliming. But do you think blue will bring out the color of my eyeth?

Haha. Now let’s see what other minorities I can offend today.

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13 years ago

He’s bangin carrie underwood and your callin him gay. about that…

The Blemish
13 years ago
Reply to  Duh...

It’s the only way I can make myself feel better about the fact he’s bangin’ Carrie Underwood.

13 years ago

She’s supposed to be a real bitch. Let ’em bang ‘er.