Update: Kim tells Celebuzz that it isn’t her. Yea, I’d say the same thing.
It was only Tuesday when Kim was in the studio with The Dream recording an album. Today is Thursday and her first single called ‘Shake’ is already out. The turnaround time for that was fast. Does that mean the song is crap? Let’s listen and find out.
Yep. It sure is. I couldn’t understand a word Kim was saying. I’ve felt more energy from a morgue.
What a load of CRAP, really is this whats passing as talent nowadays? Let me guess, she “wrote” (wink wink) the song and shes definitely NOT using any kind of studio tricks but due to some kinda “legal contract thingy” she’s never allowed to perform it “live” so from now til the end of days she has to lip sync it and when the albums released it will sell a million copies in a week ( cause her families pooling their dough each week for a percentage of the take ) and radio will play the piss into, ooops SHE… Read more »
this is sure to attract more black guys and their diseases. keep up the good work kim
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