Producers for Inferno have been in contact with Lindsay Lohan while she’s been in rehab to get her input on possible co-stars for her comeback film. Now Lindsay is attempting to secure a work pass so she can get out of rehab to discuss the project with them. This should end well.
Wilder told “Lindsay is happy and I have been sending her some films starring several actors that we would like to cast alongside her in our movie. “She just received them so we are still waiting for her feedback but we really want her to be part of the whole experience even although she is not physically here in Los Angeles,” he added.
“Lindsay told me that she is working to get a work pass so that she can get out and meet us to discuss the project. Obviously, she would probably need some kind of monitor and I think that she feels cooped up sometimes which is understandable.”
I’m not sure how rehab works but I don’t think letting patients out whenever they feel like it is a good idea. It’s like giving your kid a 10 minute timeout but letting them take tv breaks every 2 minutes. You might as well give Lindsay a complimentary 8-ball with that work pass.
Here’s Lindsay yesterday taking a break from rehab to get coffee. If she’s already getting let out, they might as well let her meet with the producers but tell her that if she doesn’t come back by 7 then “the hunt… is on” and aim a loaded crossbow at her for added effect.