Not only did Taylor Swift win her third AMA for Favorite Female Country Artist, but she also debuted her new banged look and changed her curly hair to straight. Is it just me or does she look much hotter? Before she was cute but mousey. She still looks mousey but sexy mousey. Like one of those mice people slut up in a tight mini skirt and knee-high boots to attract all the other mice. That’s something people do, right? Good. I thought I was a real weirdo for a second.
Here’s Swift doing one of her usual over dramatic performances at the AMAs.
So this means Jake & Adam Levine are gay then, right?
Very fuckable…not that she wasn’t before
Whomever created this website had one very good idea, not putting the writers name next to the articles. The articles are disgusting, disturbing, and insulting. As for at least the first three comments to this article you are just as bad as the article itself.
“Is this really journalism?” — Yea, went to online journalism college and everything.
I love the way the blemish writes
Don’t read it if you don’t like it.
it’s kinda offensive to us, curlies. trust me, a hot girl looks equally hot with ANY hair, well, at least that’s what they say to me to get me in bed XD and yeah, taylor swift will never really be hot