Despite all the jokes about Tom Cruise, one thing is for sure, this dude has balls. He almost always does his own stunts and this is no exception.
Here he is jumping off the mid-section of the tallest skyscraper in the world. Tom was on top of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai which stands 2,717 feet tall to film scenes or maybe a promo for Mission Impossible 4: Mission Impossibler or something like that. A film crew in a helicopter buzzed ten feet away to catch the action.
Photographer Gerald Donovan tells Gizmodo that this was possibly for a promo and not for the film itself but, whatever, here’s how Tom got to the top:
1. He first took elevator BS1: Concourse (4.0 m.) to level 138 (508.2 m.)
2. Then got into elevator BS3: Level 138 to level 160 (621.3 m.)
3. From there, he got elevator BS4: Level 160 to section 18B (646.9 m.) You can also take the steep stairs/landings from 160 to 18B.
4. After that, he climbed the ladder from section 18B to section 19 (653.3 m.)
5. Went from section 19 to section 21 (691.7 m.) taking the steep stairs/landings.
6. Climbed the ladder inside the pinnacle pipe: Section 21 to top platform (826.6 m.)
I’d pee my pants after the first elevator ride. By the time I went to climb the ladder, I’d be shrieking like a girl and crying until two brave and strong fireman carried me down like a princess. “My, what big muscles you have Mr. Fireman.”
He’s not scared b/c Xanadu watches over him. All hail the great Xanadu!
All hail Xanadu!
he’s always been eccentric. Scientology is weird and so is EVERY religion, all crazy. Coocoooooooooooooooo!
Don’t worry. If he falls, the Scientology spaceship will save him.