Chelsea Handler, who’s best friends with Jennifer Aniston and who spent Thanksgiving with her in a bikini in Mexico (pictures here), went on a rant about Angelina Jolie at her show in Newark, New Jersey Friday night calling her a “home-wrecking b*tch” and a “c*nt.”
“She’s a homewrecker, she is. She can rescue as many babies from as many countries as she wants to. I don’t f***ing believe you. She gives interviews, ‘I don’t have a lot of female friends.’ Cause you’re a f**king c**t … you’re a f***ing b***h.”
This is probably why Jennifer Aniston hasn’t had a real boyfriend in a while. Because people won’t let this go. Every other conversation will be about how Angelina stole Brad away from her. Jesus, if you like him so much, why don’t you marry… oh, right.
Say’s the UNFUNNY DIRTY SKANK HOE!!! where are your men…oh right…dealing drugs in Brooklyn…YOU ARE PRUE DIRT!!!
This just in: as Angelina continues to do what she can to improve the world we live in, some old hag named Chelsea Handler, who appears to be on the far side of 40, calls her a bitch. Angelina was quoted as saying “Who?”
Nice side-boob!
What Handler fails to realize is that BRAD left Jennifer, if she claims to be Aniston’s best friend (News to most of the world), she would have known this fact. The relationship was over what 5, 6, 10 years ago?? Let-it-go. File this story under, “Tries to Hard”.
She’s relevant! She fucks FITTY! An old white bitch fucking a n****r.
Really? Old? She’s 35 and sexy. I take it you’re 16 judging but your ignorant not to mention bigoted comment. You’re just depressed over the holidays because you’re not the one getting fucked (IN A GOOD WAY)! That’s what happens to racist losers like you who make racial issues out of things. I’m half Asian/half white but I know a racist when I see one.
….and you are clearly uneducated trailer Trash using your tacky racial slurs. Post your address so I can send you $10 to go buy some class!
So in the movie Wanted, was that really Jolie’s butt naked wiggling self getting out of the pool?
isn’t Handlers 15 minutes up yet? It seems to me that Jen Aniston’s were like 3 bad movies ago. Angie continues to make art and raise her family WITH her partner Brad. They’ve outlasted all the chatter and it seems to me they are going strong. I am not sure but I think that they have been together as long if not longer than Jen and Brad were. When do we get to be over this? Seriously. Why is everyone so jealouse on Jen’s behalf? I don’t see anyone putting other celebs up on a cross like people put the… Read more »