Jaden Smith is 12-years-old which means he’s either in 6th or 7th grade. The fact that a 6th grader has a bodyguard is mind boggling. But there was Jaden, showing up at Jake T. Austin’s 16th birthday party protected by security.
He joined other young stars at yet-to-open adult playhouse Beacher’s Madhouse at Hollywood’s Roosevelt Hotel. Guests at the Onitsuka Tiger-sponsored bash included Selena Gomez, David Henrie, Kyle Massey, Chris Massey, Chelsea Staub, Jennifer Stone and Boo Boo Stewart. A source said, “Jaden won a dance-off with another kid. When the girls asked him to go out after the party he said, ‘I’m only 12, I’ve got to go home to my parents.’ “
Ugh. First his parents name him a cutesy name after his mother, then he rapes Karate Kid and now he has a bodyguard protecting him from strangers with candy and kids who make fun of him. I know none of this is directly his fault, but what a douche. His classmates should kick his ass on principle.
I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth…
Oh wait, wrong kid? Nevermind.