There was a rumor flying around that Jessica Simpson was pregnant. This mostly stemmed from the fact that she got fat and people were still in denial so they tried to explain it away. Well, if she is pregnant, someone might want to tell her alcohol isn’t good for fetuses because according to Page Six, she was downing tequila and margaritas with Eric Johnson at Stanton Social on Tuesday.
“They were very well-mannered and drank basil lime gimlets, pineapple 75’s, Maker’s on the rocks, margaritas and wine. They ordered a lot of food. Jessica let her guard down enough to steal a few kisses from her fiancĂ© in front of papa Joe. Jessica, Eric and the crew settled on shots of Don Julio to finish out the evening.”
There. Jessica isn’t pregnant. Fatty just likes to eat and drink a lot. I think it’d still be funny to ask if she’s having twins during every event though and gush about how she’s showing so early.