Wonder how John Mayer reportedly sleeps with so many chicks? With lines like this. Mayer was out with College Humor’s Ricky Van Veen at Wicker Park when a woman came up to him.
Halfway through their conversation, John laid it on pretty smooth. He told her he could see in her future and that “she was going to make someone very happy one day, as long as she remembered to talk dirty while having sex.”
The girl walked away speechless. Presumably to head home so she could vigorously masturbate.
Maybe John was on a secret date with that college humor guy, hahahaha. Does John like women or men ? Hmmmmm.
Does that work before or after he drops the herp/clap/g warts bomb?
he’s lonely and he needs help that is all i can say, i don’t mind talking dirty in bed as long as that talks stays in bed
congrats on your grammy nomination john…..
are you frikkin kidding me? I love the guy but if that’s the kinda s**t he would lay on me in a party i’d be seriously let down!
Why does he need to do these things? Is it for attention? His brother is similar. No comprende.
Love him. HIlarious! I realize you’re in a recession Americans and that’s very sad, but for God’s sake, if you completely lose your sense of humour, you’re done.