Miley Cyrus is turning into an adult before our very eyes. In real life, that means making mature decisions and taking responsibility. In the child celebrity world, that means rebelling against your carefully designed Disney image.
In the latest crop of leaked photos, a hot chick is pretend licking Miley’s nipples. In another photo, Miley’s flashing her left breast tattoo and posing with a bunch of half-naked men and a gay from the future. It’s pretty much what girls have been doing in college for the past 50 years but now it’s scandalous because it’s Miley.
I hope you realise that those “half-naked” men are gay and are her friends.
I think that’s assumed. No straight guy is brave enough to dress like that.
So now she’s a f*g hag? Wait til daddy gets to know her Jizzaboo boyfriend.
Why is anyone interested in pictures from months ago. People are such loosers. We need to focus on the present and future, not the past.
So, why are you here?