As predicted, Miley Cyrus’ foray into adulthood quickly led to the leaking of nude cell phone pics of herself. Sadly, this was taken when she was 17 while she was staying at the Westin Palace Hotel in Madrid in early November so I’m not sure the black bars can be removed but use your imagination. I used mine and saw a dying unicorn surrounded by crying Disney execs. What did you see?
Update: Supposedly the nude is a fake and is actually of this girl (NSFW). So, who knows.
I want UNcensored pics!!!!!!!!
Hey miley Cyrus I want to see your fucking tits and Harry vagina
Why about these pictures?×325.jpg
Which were leaked alongside those pictures, and which were clearly taken at her house.
So fun.
I see a criminal act of theft and invasion of privacy being aided and abetted by “The Blemish.” My hope is that you will be arrested and prosecuted along with the thief.
Man, these rorschach tests get wildly different results, don’t they?
God you’re a f*g. Go find a nice, high place and jump.
@Chris this isnt’t the only site with these pics O_O
Does no one have a sense of humor? The blemish cracks me up on every post. Don’t take s**t so seriously (speaking to the two fruits whining in their comments).
F**k you. I want Chris to jump off a cliff.
look at the square jawline.. this is obviously not her pointed chin at all…
Haha…….. what a whore
Still waiting :(
Uncle mark you pervert
they said its fake! stop it! theres no tattoo under her breast. not miley!!!!!
Oh please let these be real. And for legality please let them have been take since her birthday.
u could at least see her boobs come on it was s**t
I want UNcensored pics!!!!!!!!