Selena Gomez Took Off Her Promise Ring

In 2008, Selena Gomez, then 16, put a promise ring on her finger and vowed to abstain from sex until marriage.

In 2010, just last week, she went onto Justin Bieber’s tour bus without the promise ring on her finger. What a whore. *Starts a slow clap, turns it into resounding applause*

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12 years ago

First of all, She probably just forgot it. And Second of all, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t wear it for that purpose anymore. Having sex doesn’t make you a whore. You dumbass people are just over-reacting! You can’t expect someone to live their life for their audience. Plus, you don’t even know if she’s having sex. She isn’t just someone who plays on Disney, she is also a human being. And human beings tend to have sex. It’s nature. So what? Get over it. And stop over-reacting for things that aren’t even worth it. When I found this forum… Read more »

13 years ago

wth she probable just took it of because she took a shower or something u have no right to say shes a hore

13 years ago

Dont call her a whore !! until you can confirm something !! jeeeeez

13 years ago

Until we see justin having his crotch lifted for no reason and selena there making out with him, shut up. and DONT call selena a whore! she rocks and we all know justin and selena would NEVER do that!!! she probably left it in the soap dish that morning. and how the hell would u know that they were having sex?! im sure it would be going crazy right now if there was some clue of it!

nun yur biznes
nun yur biznes
13 years ago

wow yu ppl r trippen cuz there callin her a whore… yes she is a whore and yu kno it yu just dont want to believe it

13 years ago

Ohhh an 18 year old having sex, what a whore. Fucking stupid.

On average most Americans lose their Virginity at the age of 15, quit being stupid calling someone a whore. This isn’t the 1850’s.

13 years ago

LOLZ at the people who are pissed off. she STILL has her promise ring off.