Photographers at Sao Paolo Fashion Week booed Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore after they made them wait three hours for their arrival. The couple was there for a fashion show put on by Colcci, a Brazilian fashion label.
The two walked hand in hand down the carpet and ignored the howling. They managed to keep smiling even though it was clear everyone hated them.
Although, in their defense, their boos sounded a lot like muted cheers so maybe they were confused and thought everyone loved them. It’s like the photographers weren’t sure whether or not Demi and Ashton had the celebrity power to order them taken out back and shot so they made it ambiguous.
lmao wow they had to be feeling really stupid & deservedly so. 3 hours late!?? Why bother!????? Only thing I can think of as to why they bothered showing up being 3 hours late is either contractual obligation &/or being paid $$ to show up. Insane. They got punk’d!
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