According to TMZ, Charlie Sheen is slated to be in rehab for three months leaving the 300-strong crew of Two and a Half Men pissed that they’ll be out of work for the next 12 weeks. Sources inside production say last time Charlie was in rehab, the crew was partially paid, but no decision has been made about what to do this time.
The crew might not have to worry for long, however. A friend tells Popeater that “if ratings go through the roof again, as they did after Charlie’s incident in New York, CBS and Charlie will be out again in no time and back to his old ways. However, if the public finally stops rewarding Charlie for his bad behavior, then, and only then, can you expect him to take the situation seriously.” That’s because on top of Charlie’s $1.25m per episode salary, Sheen gets a bonus if the show does well (MOAR porn stars and blow!). Essentially, what the friend is saying is we should stop giving Charlie Sheen positive reinforcement. Yea, I know. Crazy talk!
Although, even more motivation for CBS to get Charlie out of rehab is the potential $250 million in lost domestic syndication revenue. They only have two completed episodes and a hiatus will cost Warner Bros. Television millions in syndication and CBS millions in lost ad revenue.
But CBS says they’re not worried. They say they have multiple hit shows and the lost revenue will be offset by the reduced programming costs for episodes lost. Oh, so the crew might not be paid? Thanks, Charlie Sheen. Expect a lot of “get well” bundt cakes filled with razor blades to show up at your rehab center.
Check your facts. For starters, he went from $900K to $2 mil per episode with his new contract. He also gets major bucks from the syndication revenue stream. He’ll be out in 3 weeks.
Perfect, Charlie still has income & CBS can afford it easily. That works.