Johnny Depp at the Golden Globes

What the hell was a Best Picture nomination for The Tourist all about? Even Johnny Depp admitted that movie was a pile of trash. Not exactly. When asked if he could go back in time, Depp said he wouldn’t change a thing about The Tourist. But, he then implied that he was aware the movie didn’t turn out as expected. “I wanted to work with Angelina and I felt like I had a good handle on the character. It was not a character that I’d really played before. I don’t know the main ingredient of success at the box office. I just feel that’s not something I can do anything about.”

Lucky for Paul Giamatti Johnny was nominated because he split the vote to give him the win for Best Actor in a Comedy.

This was supposed to be about Johnny Depp at the Globes but somehow turned into a post celebrating Paul Giamatti. Coincidentally, exactly what happened Sunday night.

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