Keira Knightley and her actor boyfriend of five years, Rupert Friend, have split, says Keira’s dad. “Yes, they have broken up. But that’s the way things go, unfortunately. The only option is to get on with things.”
A friend blames the breakup on the paparazzi. “Rupert hates the idea of being followed and photographed. Keira partially had to accept it because of her rising profile. It affected the harmony in the relationship. The pressure took its toll and both decided they should go their separate ways. They will remain life-long friends.”
I can see what he means from the 10 shots of Rupert walking around in 2010. Those paparazzi were always hounding him. Jesus, what a crybaby. I bet if he went to Disneyland he’d throw a hissy fit when one of the workers asked if he’d like to buy the picture they took of him on the roller coaster ride.
“I can see what he means from the 10 shots of Rupert walking around in 2010.” HAHAHA moron. I bet the story was that he knocked her up and ran away (didn’t she look fuller couple months ago?)