Charlie Sheen Will Only Be Gone 4 Weeks

Don’t worry you misguided fans of Two and a Half Men. You won’t have to suffer without your show for long. Charlie Sheen will be back filming in 3-4 weeks which is approximately how long it takes to cure his addiction.

With this comes good news for the cast and crew because producers will make up the missed episodes so no one will be out of money. The addiction specialist treating Charlie at his own house says he could be back to work next month. Haha! And here we were thinking Charlie wasn’t taking this rehab seriously. Whew. For a moment there I was worried he’d make a mockery out of this.

In related news, Charlie released a statement to Showbiz tonight. In it, he compared himself to Errol Flynn and refrained from calling everyone turds again.

“I have a lot of work to do to be able to return the support I have received from so many people. I want to say ‘thank-you’ to my fellow cast members, the crew of ‘Two and a Half Men’ and everyone at CBS and Warner Bros., especially Les Moonves & Bruce Rosenblum for their concern and support.

And to my fans, your good wishes have touched me very much.” he said. “Like Errol Flynn, who had to put down his sword on occasion, I just want to say, ‘thank-you.'”

Popeater says his comparison to Errol Flynn isn’t because Flynn was an icon who fell to alcohol addiction and died at 50 of a heart attack after a week long bender in 1959. They say Charlie was referring to the Robin Hood character Errol Flynn played in that it was time to take a step back to compose himself. So, in short, his dealer must be on vacation.

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