People are really taking this Gabriel Aubry is a racist story and running with it. A new report from TMZ says that Gabriel went nuts whenever anyone would call his daughter black. Because she’s not. Even though she’s 1/4 black. Mmm hmmm…
Sources connected with the former couple tell TMZ … whenever Gabriel would read a story about Nahla that referred to her as “black,” he would go off, insisting his baby was white. We’re told Gabriel would tell Halle and others they should demand a “retraction” when such references were made regarding his daughter.
The next story TMZ will run is how Gabriel paints his baby in whiteface instead of blackface and they’ll have a poll on which is more insulting. Then they’ll do a joke that goes “black people go like this and white people go like this!”
She may not be black in Canada, but in America she is black where the one-drop rule was made law of the land…
people out to stop dividing this poor baby into fractions anyway… very disrespectful
As of 1967, the One Drop Rule was claimed unconstitutional thanks to Loving vs. Virginia. Even if the ODR was still a “law”, it varied by states & in some states you could have up to 1/8 to 1/4 black ancestry & still be considered white. Halle needs to realize that the baby is mixed & if we were to identify her as 1 race, she is more white than black.
I say label her Puerto Rican and call it a day – lol.
F**k the one drop rule it is complete BULLSHIT that baby a white Mutt period. The problem with Black America is that we accept everybody trash and who needs halle berry
You have a problem. I know your blood line is tainted like the rest of us. No matter how it became tainted from slave days or conceptual agreements with foreparents your butt is not 100% African decent. So you need to slow your role.
that’s just sad. but i guess if white folk say she’s white or black or whatever, it’s the law, slave law. the truth is nahla is biracial, like her mom, and that’s not likely to change.
Halle’s baby is as much white as she is black. Bi-racial mother, white father. For Halle to say that she’s “black” is crap. Her mother is whiter than white which makes her bi-racial which is just what your child is HALLE-get over it!!!! Just because the “black” genes in you are more dominant feature wise, you are still 1/2 white!
People all ignorant. I am a product of a Black mother and a Black Father. I am Black but can and have passed unintentionally as white. I dont claim myself to be “AFRICAN AMERICAN” because I have other Ethnicity running through my veins. LESSON FOR ALL TO GET…is “Black” is not an ethnicity in the first place. Hell from my complexion I could be “White,” but because of the ignorance of the “WHITE FOREFATHERS and those now; there seems to be confusion. BLACK PEOPLE are of dark complexion to light complexion, but we all have some mix of ethnicity in… Read more »
LOL, please excuse typos and grammer…rushing to get back to work.
She is not black nor white she is mixed!! And being mixed she will always be accepted by people of colour…(black, Indian, middle eastern, asian, latina and polynesian)but not always accepted by white folk!! If Gabriel has a problem with what she is classed as he need to take to the american history book, whether the one drop rule still exists or is engrained in many!! For white folk to accept her as white, she has to appear whatever anyone classes her or whatever she decides to class herself as, no doubt she will be judged on how… Read more »
I agree with you, she is mixed. However, we can’t say she will always be treated better by people of color. As a mixed person, I’ve had more bad experiences with blacks when it came to race/not being accepted compared to whites & other people of color (latina, asian, etc). I went to predominately whites school the majority of my childhood & never experienced feeling different or being treated differently. If she’s going to be judged based on how people see her, she doesn’t look black. She looks mixed (but not necessarily with black) & if someone didn’t know who… Read more »
I’m black and I personally feel that Halle Berry may have exaggerated Gabriel Aubry being racist. I also think that Halle needs not to identify Nahla’s race yet. It should be Nahla’s decision on what she considers herself to be, whether she considers herself white or black, or something else should be her choice. Halle identifies herself as black even though her mother is white, but thats her choice. If Nahla decides to take the same path as her mother it should be her that decides it when she is older, not her mother.
The bigger ad better question is who gives a damn?