Miley Cyrus Loves Rebecca Black

Last week, Miley Cyrus ranted that being a pop star is too easy these days. That it should take more than just a YouTube video and millions of views to get a record contract and a tour. Everyone pointed to the mulleted elephant in the room aka her famous dad Billy Ray Cyrus.

Over the weekend, Miley backtracked on her statement at the Kids’ Choice Awards. Probably after realizing how idiotic that statement was.

“I am a fan of Rebecca Black,” Cyrus assured us earlier today. “I love Rebecca Black. I just got misquoted. I think she’s great.”

“I actually have this really embarrassing video that my sister has on her phone,” she says, “and I’m just waiting till the day that she puts it on YouTube. It’s me driving, singing Rebecca Black and my hands are not always on the wheel while I’m singing the song. Not so good.”

The only thing worse than being a hypocrite is patronizing your fans. No one likes Friday. People only sing it to be ironic. The song is horrible. Having a chopstick repeatedly jammed into your ear would be more pleasant than listening to that. For being so condescending, Miley should be forced to listen to the entire Ark Music Factory back catalog. I heard someone did that once and almost died. Of delight, no doubt.

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13 years ago

Ah, the infamous misquote. It’s okay Miley, just stick to your guns and say you don’t like it. Because we say the same thing about you.

13 years ago

Future addicts always do their time @ Nickelodeon..