Jason Sudeikis on January Jones’ Pregnancy

Jason Sudeikis is on the large and varied list of of people who infected January Jones with a parasite. Jones isn’t telling who the father is but Celebritology went around that and tried to sneak info from Jason. It almost worked.

Sudeikis was at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner to support Set Meyers and was asked if he had any comment on Jones’ pregnancy.

“I’d rather — yes but no.”

Was he surprised to find out she was pregnant?

“No, I —,” then he paused and stammed. “No, I didn’t have anything [else to say].” He stammered some more and that was the extent of our conversation on the subject. Sudeikis seemed comfortable being asked about the situation, just unwilling to say too much.

I would have done some recon and grabbed some of his hair for DNA testing. The hard part would be finding leftover amniotic fluid from January Jones to compare it to. Maybe I can break into her house while she’s sleeping and get it then. “No, no, officer. I’m not breaking and entering. I’m doing research!”

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