Lars von Trier Banned From Cannes

Organizers for the Cannes Film Festival take jokes very seriously and have labeled Lars von Trier “persona non grata” for comments he made during the press conference for Melancholia. His public apology was apparently not enough.

The Festival de Cannes provides artists from around the world with an exceptional forum to present their works and defend freedom of expression and creation. The Festival’s Board of Directors, which held an extraordinary meeting this Thursday 19 May 2011, profoundly regrets that this forum has been used by Lars Von Trier to express comments that are unacceptable, intolerable, and contrary to the ideals of humanity and generosity that preside over the very existence of the Festival.

The Board of Directors firmly condemns these comments and declares Lars Von Trier a persona non grata at the Festival de Cannes, with effect immediately.

Melancholia, however, is still eligible to win but Lars won’t be able to accept his prize if it does.

The video above shows Lars digging himself deeper into a hole during the press conference while Kirsten Dunst squirms in the next seat over. Sheesh. It’s like you can’t even make culturally insensitive jokes anymore without someone getting offended.

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