Snooki is On a Diet

Presumably because she’s fat and lazy, Snooki is taking controversial diet pill Zantrex-3. In a press release that cites an interview with Star magazine, Snooki is said to have started taking the “rapid weight loss” pill after becoming too lazy to commute upstate to New York City where her personal trainer works. Instead of hiring a new personal trainer closer to her, she decided to go the easy route and take a dietary supplement. By the way, this is in addition to her “pretty insane” workout routine which no doubt consists of lifting a cookie to her mouth 10 times a day.

Now she’s crediting her “new” body to the pill. So instead of hard work, dedication and a good diet, Snooki chose to lose weight by taking pills which may work in the short term but won’t give her any foundation for keeping it off. In two months when she’s off the pill, expect her to balloon up like a hamster with a pound of cookie dough stuffed in its cheeks.

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12 years ago

Is ingesting semen really a “diet?”

The Blemish
12 years ago
Reply to  spoogemo'

Yup, look how skinny Jenna Jameson is now.