Bam Margera Does an Exclusive Interview at Ryan Dunn’s Crash Site

Bam Margera and Fox 29 visited  Ryan Dunn’s crash site yesterday to film an interview because why not? (video here) At one point, Bam even implied that, because of some  kind of spiritual connection, his mind knew Ryan had died and described how he began tearing up a van at around the time of Dunn’s accident for no reason. Granted, that could have just been his ADD kicking in.

“I’ve never lost anybody that I care about, he’s my best friend,” Margera said as he broke down on camera.

“I was in Arizona with best friends having the best time with friends,” Margera said.

“He was the happiest person, the smartest guy with so much talent.”

Margera said on Sunday night he started to rip out parts of a van for no apparent reason. It turned out that incident happened at the same time Dunn died in a crash.

“It is not right,” Margera told us as he was in tears.

“It was the worst phone call I got in my life,” Margera said. [MyFoxPhilly]

The bar Dunn had been drinking at swears he only had 3 beers and 3 shots and looked fine but witnesses say he was wasted. Fox Philly also dug up Dunn’s driving history. He had been cited 23 times in 13 years including 10 speeding and careless driving stops, three for driving with a suspended license and a DUI arrest in 2005.

Obviously Bam is distraught, but why grant an exclusive interview unless you want attention. Wait, what am I saying? I forgot attention is what CKY/Jackass are all about. Dunn probably would have been pissed if a news crew didn’t show up.

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13 years ago

You’re and a**. Did your really need to say the sh*t you said?

13 years ago

what the f**k is your god dam problem how low can a human sink let the man grieve and keep ure opinions to yourself cause no one wants to fucking here it

13 years ago
Reply to  Matthenry1994

It’s “hear”, not “hear”. And I want to “hear” it. 23 citations, 3 stops for suspended licenses, 1 DUI . Grieving time is over…No one deserves what happened, but Ryan Dunn comes pretty close.

13 years ago
Reply to  Matthenry1994

not ‘here’..

13 years ago

You are a fucking asshole.

Brian Burnz
Brian Burnz
13 years ago

The guy that did this story needs to get ass raped with a pineapple. Cold hearted f**k and I’m not even a Bam fan.

13 years ago

The person who wrote this article is a fucking dick! What a disgrace!

no mo'
no mo'
13 years ago

I always “grieve” with a camera crew in tow…let no tragedy go to waste when you can get some publicity.

yo mo'
yo mo'
13 years ago
Reply to  no mo'

BTW, do all of the vapid readers here suck the collective cocks of the losers on TV?  OOOHHH they’re famous…what a tragedy…go f**k off and die, you sycophantic leaches.

13 years ago

LOL why are you fuckers on here trying to fight nd talking s**t…did u know him personally? keep ur s**t to yourself…damn.. nd KNO WHEN ITS TIME TO GET OFF THE INTERNET before you spend hours on this bitch posting dumb s**t to try and voice your damn opinion that probably no one cares about regardless…fucking savages..

yo mo'
yo mo'
13 years ago
Reply to  noway

F**k you too and no one wants to hear your opinion…dick.

13 years ago
Reply to  noway

Yo mo, you’re scum

E Riceahs
E Riceahs
13 years ago
Reply to  noway

 you’re making a hypocrite of yourself by posting you opinion about others posting theirs.

13 years ago

And what about the guy Dunn killed. Yes he should never have gotten in the car with Dunn, BUt Dunn never should have killed him at 135 mph. I guess their time was Dunn.

13 years ago

Why is anyone acting like we should show sympathy? This guy and “Bam” are rewarded handsomely for acting like complete idiots and not using one bit of common sense. He was drunk as hell, driving over 130mph, and killed the other guy in the car. He could have easily killed plenty of other innocent people. If he was drunk and walked into a store firing an automatic weapon wildly and ended up shooting himself I doubt y’all would try to defend him then or ask people to show some respect. Getting drunk and driving wrecklessly over 130mph is just as… Read more »

13 years ago

Brah….not cool….who cares man? just stfu!

13 years ago

How unbelievably taste and classless this post is.

Setsuna Sunrise
Setsuna Sunrise
13 years ago

People are not themselves while grieving. There is no question he LOST his best friend. You can see it plain as day he is hurting. You have to remember the media is pounding on his and his parents door wanting interviews and wanting to ask questions. It doesn’t surpise me he wants to talk to the media, one to get them off his back, and two, talking about it to anyone is a healing process even if it is to get the chance to tell the world just how great he was. Losing your best friend is heartbreaking cut the guy… Read more »

Setsuna Sunrise
Setsuna Sunrise
13 years ago

You also need to remember it’s natural to want to grieve near where someone died.It’s some peoples way of processing and even feeling closer because it was the last place that person was. Someone close to my family was murdered last year and the community gathered close to that spot with flowers, prayer etc. Bam is doing the same but of course because of his fam the news camera follows. Doesn’t matter if he talks to them or not. Let him grieve how he needs to.

13 years ago

Rayn Dunns laughs will go on… and to you Bam i could never feel your pain but i can see it.

13 years ago

um, ok, how much do you wanna bet they just started filming and interviewing him while he was crying his f***ing eyes out? give the guy a break, christ, his best friend just died, I doubt he really cares about the attention he’s getting now. Grow the f**k up. 

Born Here
Born Here
13 years ago
Reply to  joe

BTW he was “crying” but there were no tears!  That’s called “acting.”  I know!!!  Who knew Bam could act?

13 years ago

How the f*ck do u know he set up an interview… as we all know the media stalks the s*it out of ppl…. they either got wind we was going there or already had been camped out there most likely the latter scenario…

13 years ago

Chewy, I’m pretty sure that pedophiles and murders and rapists deserve a firey death a lot more than a guy who had some traffic violations, what the f**k are you some kind of communist?! Should we start giving people with DUIs the fucking electric chair? And how would all of you assholes feel is you lost your best friend or brother? I lost a very close friend of mine a number of years ago and I still grieve to this day. I swear this world is full of more insensitive fucking drones than the days of nazi germany. Words cannot… Read more »

yo mo'
yo mo'
13 years ago
Reply to  Xjohn_edgex

“this world is full of more insensitive fucking drones than the days of nazi germany”  Really?  You are one, fucking stupid idiot.

13 years ago

Good one there “yo mo”. Do the wolrd a favor and off yourself, you worthless, spineless piece of trash.

ho mo'
ho mo'
13 years ago
Reply to  guest

Hey fuckball, if any douche compares being insensitive to some dumb ass killing himself and his friend to indifference to the holocaust, then you two should put your heads together and use one bullet.  PS learn how to spell “wolrd” you fucking idiot.

13 years ago

Dude, F*ck you. I bet the only 4 people who liked this article are part of Westboro baptist.

Born Here
Born Here
13 years ago
Reply to  Seniorlegit

Maybe the 3 of you can get 1 bullet to go through your heads.  Give it a try, don’t multiply.

13 years ago

I live I west Chester n ur a dick for sayin that sh#t! Guy jus lost his best friend n ur talkin sh#t….. U have no conscience or heart

13 years ago

I have that sh#t on my drivin record should I die too? Can’t even believe the things said gere

CPW mo'
CPW mo'
13 years ago
Reply to  Kmhonda420

Yes, you should die too, mr 420.

13 years ago

the blemish you are a total shitstain….HOW DARE YOU talk s**t about this departed soul and the people who are grieving him! Go F**k yourself

a. non ymous
a. non ymous
13 years ago

Whatever the circumstances he (Bam) lost a friend and is having to deal with that. They made their fortunes off of acting irresponsibly and we the consumers enabled them to do so. What is important is how he deals with this and if he makes a change in his life to be more responsible personally and professionally. Our youth look up to these characters for entertainment and he has an opportunity to make a positive impact, lets hope he does so.

13 years ago

christ. regarding not crying there is such a thing as posterity, and keeping your head up. its obvious bam’s not “acting” he’s really just trying to keep it together for his best friend

13 years ago
Reply to  gbaby

and believe me between this and staring down at someone on life support not knowing if they’re gonna wake up or have the fucking plug pulled. its equally tough to stomach

13 years ago

I dont even know how some of you poeple can even comment on someone that can be that low, someone that can say something so hurtfull, so evil… dont feed in to someone like that, A good man died and thats, that… Mad love RIP