Crystal Harris Was Going to Leave Hugh Hefner at the Alter

Besides using Hugh Hefner for publicity, breaking up with him the same day her single dropped and banging Dr. Phil’s son behind Hef’s back, Crystal Harris had an alternate plan to ditch Hugh at the alter in front of 300 guests for a tv special and shop around an exclusive interview for $500,000.

“Crystal wanted to ditch Hef at the altar. Her plan was to walk up the aisle and say she couldn’t go through with it. The wedding was to be filmed for a reality special, and her refusal to marry him would be a sensation. She was looking for a tie-in deal of around $500,000 for the exclusive ‘I ditched Hef at the altar’ interview. While there was interest, Crystal didn’t get an offer anywhere near half a million.” [Page Six]

I don’t know why Hugh wouldn’t want to marry Crystal Harris. She would have been a great wife. I bet if Hugh ever had to breathe with an oxygen tank, Crystal would crimp the tube because his wheezing was drowning out her program.

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no mo' ho
no mo' ho
13 years ago

Hurray for whores!!!  She almost got ‘r’ done!!!  Life support system for a vagina!!!  Next…

13 years ago

Good job on misspelling the headline of your article there.

12 years ago

Verb:Change or cause to change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.Make structural changes to (a building).
Noun:The table in a Christian church at which the bread and wine are consecrated in communion services.A table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual, esp. for making sacrifices or offerings to a deity.