The cast of True Blood had their premiere party in LA last night and the entire cast attended. The most notable was Evan Rachel Wood because she chopped her hair off and got a pixie cut like Emma Watson. Ugh. Now what am I going to pull on?
Of course, Evan Rachel Wood recently came out as a bisexual which clearly means she has to dress the part. She told Esquire,
“Yes,” she said when asked if she dates women. “I grew up in love with David Bowie. So I was always into very androgynous things. Guys, girls… I’m into androgyny in general.”
Well congratulations. Mission accomplished. You’ve succeeded in looking androgynous and letting me know lesbians prefer chicks who could be mistaken for dudes. Which is strange because I always thought that much like straight men, they’d be really into hot chicks.
I think it looks good.