Halle Berry Still Going Through With Custody Battle

Back in February, Halle Bery and her ex, Gabriel Aubry, were said to have reached a truce over the custody battle of their 3-year-old daughter Nahla. Turns out that may have been a ruse to buy Halle’s lawyer some time to come up with a list of reasons Aubry is a bad father.

TMZ says a few minutes ago, Halle’s lawyer filed “a very thick stack of documents outlining trouble she’s had with Gabriel.” The documents “lists Gabriel’s failings as a dad.”

It would be cool if Halle was as crazy as people made her out to be and the document just looked like:

1. He’s an asshole
2. He’s an asshole

and so on until item 100 which calls Gabriel a “stupid asshole.”

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13 years ago

Shes an asshole
like all Leo people…impossible to please
she sux

Herman Bumfudle
13 years ago

that’s ridiculous! its not even his kid. seriously dude, just take your babysitting money and go home.