Answering a 999 call, paramedics showed up at Tudors star Jonathan Rhys Meyer’s house to find him slumped on the floor. They called the cops after he refused treatment at the scene for 30 minutes. According to a source, everyone there determined he tried to commit suicide. Whatever. Maybe he just likes to party. Woooo!
Meyers was taken to a hospital near his house in Maida Vale, Central London and was discharged yesterday. Asked about his health, Meyers told The Sun: “No comment.”
In America, he’d have been put on suicide watch and given a psych evaluation. But not in London. Over there they just asked him if he was going to do it again. No? Then see you later, loser. Their exact words.
Update: There may be a reason Meyers wasn’t put on suicide watch. It’s because it wasn’t a suicide attempt, so reports THR. They say he just relapsed. So, I was right. This guy just likes to party.