Rolling Stone brought back Katy Perry again for no other reason than to take pictures of her breasts. This time in costume as two Hershey Kisses. Oh and here’s the requisite tit quote which is s a rehash from other interviews she’s done.
It took Perry a while to learn to embrace her body. “I started praying for [breasts] when I was, like, 11,” she says. “And God answered that prayer above and beyond, by, like, 100 times, until I was like, ‘Please, stop, God. I can’t see my feet anymore. Please stop!’ I was a lot more rectangular then. I didn’t understand my body. Someone in sixth grade called me ‘Over-the-shoulder boulder holder.’ I didn’t know I could use them. So, what I did was, I started taping them down. How long did I tape them down for? Probably until I was about 19. And, no, I don’t have any psychological pain because of it.” [Rolling Stone]
Taping down your amazing breasts until you’re 19 is a travesty. If only Katy Perry knew about the support group that teaches hot girls how to feel comfortable with their huge boobs which meets every Saturday in my bedroom. Don’t ask why they’re only allowed to be in their bra and panties. It’s part of the program. Look, do you want to be cured or not?
Sorry for the low quality pictures. Hopefully HQ ones make their way online soon.