Michael Bay Prefers to Demean Women

Megan Fox famously said that for her Transformers audition, Michael Bay made her wash his car while he videotaped her. Seems like that’s not just a one time thing because he sort of did a similar frat boy-esque initiation with Megan Fox replacement Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Apparently the prettier someone is, the more Bay has to debase them.

“I first met Michael back in 2009; it was on the set of the Christmas commercial for Victoria’s Secret. I remember the first thing Michael said to me— before he even introduced himself or asked me my name—was “Can you walk?” And I looked at him like, “What is this man talking about? Yeah, of course I can walk.” And then he proceeded to tell them to get me in the car, and then I was driven—I mean, honestly, I want to say it was about half a mile out in the desert. I kept thinking, “This is a joke, right?” And the car dumped me in the middle of the desert. All I was wearing was a bra and underwear and a big, billowing, black, floor-length cape and high heels. And he says, “OK, when we shout action, you’re going to walk!” and I assumed I would be doing this in several stages. They yelled action, and the car sped off back to set, and I just was like, “Well, what am I supposed to do?” So I walked all the way back to where the camera was standing, which took me—I would say a good 10, 12 minutes, and it was a proper runway stomp—on salt flats; it was like 100 degrees, felt like fire. I remember walking back and being not impressed by the whole thing. I was pretty pissed off afterwards; I just looked at Michael, and he goes, “I guess you can walk, then.” [GQ]

Oh, quit whining. Half a mile isn’t bad at all. You should see all the other non-famous women Michael Bay dumps in the desert. Not only do they have to walk back, but they have have to first wait until the drugs wear off and then untie themselves.

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13 years ago

I guess that Spielberg is gonna fire her now too ;)

13 years ago

While I do believe that what Megan Fox was saying about him really showed him as a sexist, mean, demeaning guy, I really don’t understand how him making her walk for a commercial is in any way demeaning. Isn’t this her job? Doesn’t she bring in millions for those commercials? And i’m supposed to say that her walking for 10 minutes in a desert is too much to ask? Confused.. 

13 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Indeed, however, there’s something called human decency such as respect. I can understand that the industry she works in is already demeaning but that doesn’t mean you get to be treated like dirt in exchange of millions.

13 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Mia, there are people who get treated like dirt for minimum wage. Rosie should consider herself lucky she’s getting millions of dollars and fame for it.

13 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Actually Bkimatab, Rosie isn’t getting ”millions of dollars” for getting treated like dirt. Megan, even in her prime during the 2009 media blintz, never made millions of dollars off Transformers according to Forbes and Rosie is way less popular than Megan in comparison to when Megan made her screen debut in the first Transformers film, so I doubt Rosie will be getting millions for it.. and she’s a model, not a famewho_ore. If she wanted fame she would have become a full-time actress, Michael just picked her for the role.. she never showed interest in acting before Bay picked her… Read more »

Layla Lee
Layla Lee
13 years ago

That Michael Bay is just.. I don’t know. I wouldn’t let my future daughters near him that’s for sure.

13 years ago

Blemish you are nothing but a hating moron. MORON.

Garry Egan
12 years ago

I like seeing women in Michael Bay movies with just one line and say to myself, “there’s another woman Bay boned that he owed a ‘line in one of his movies’ to. We should make a drinking game out of it. My all-time favorite is in Armageddon when, about 2/3rd of the way through, a hot blond says “signals come from a mil-star satellite.”