Ellen Page Has Been Outed

A site called V-Generations allegedly claims (via ONTD) Ellen Page is in the closet. They’ve decided to “out” her because they don’t like the fact Ellen isn’t a fervent gay activist like all gay celebrities are supposed to be. And that makes them mad! Well, they explain it a bit differently in this long-winded rant but that’s the gist of it.

But where are the Hollywood actors? Don’t they always claim to be outspoken for good causes? Where are all the left wing, liberal artists speaking out for the oppressed gay minority? I tell you where they are. They are hiding in their closets making lucrative business deals like Ellen Page.

The comic book team the ‘X-MEN’ always served as a metaphor for an oppressed minority like gay people or Jews. ‘X-Men Generation Hope’ issue Nr. 9 deals with the ongoing problem of Gay-Teen suicide, inspired by the real events. Ironically, Page has become famous playing Kitty Pryde, a member of the X-MEN.

Page claims to “believe in truth” and to stand for what she believes in. But like many other actors she hides behind her lawyer and manager deep in the closet, while gay teenagers struggle to survive.

I think I gave Ellen Page a decent chance to come out with the truth. Two months ago, I mentioned her in my LGBT article and made it pretty clear what she had to do. (Yes, she knows about this site.)

I wrote:

“In times like these when young gay people commit suicide out of fear of rejection, role models are needed. The gravity of the situation doesn’t ask for passive hiding but active fighting. What will Ellen Page’s choice be?”

Last month she was seen with Clea DuVall in Montreal. I wasn’t sure if these pictures were staged and Ellen Page’s management called the paparazzi or not. Montreal isn’t really known to be a paparazzi hotspot. As some readers pointed out, the real reason for the paparazzi gathering in Montreal was the visitation of the Royals. So, no staged pictures. Page is still hiding.

I honestly have enough of this Hollywood nonsense. Using charities, NGOs or any good cause for personal business gains and an improved public image is despicable. Pretending to stand for something but ultimately running away from it is an act of cowardice and could be harmful for many.

Ellen Page believes in truth? Here is the truth. A reliable source, which (in parts) agrees with my standpoint, revealed to V-Generations some of Ellen Page’s relationships she had. Like with fellow actors Ben Foster, Mark Rendall or Slim Twig or her female lovers Drew Barrymore and Clea Du Vall. (Note: I haven’t included non-famous people. No need to drag them into the mess.)

Some or many people might criticize me for exposing her. Most will argue that it is her decision to come out on her own terms. I disagree. Ellen Page intentionally portrays herself as open-minded and honest person who stands for her believes. But her actions tell me that she is nothing more than just another Hollywood actor who is more concerned about a good public image and a good business deal. Because that’s what it is all about in Hollywood: Business. The business of making money. The same kind of money-making business that causes the Vanishing of Bees or funds Proposition 23.

People who pretend to be something they are not and using good causes for their own purpose are not the kind of people who should be admired. I know that Ellen Page’s situation is harmless compared to the debt crises, the Oslo incident or the Somalia drought. Unfortunately, she is not the only one in Hollywood who is a do-gooder hypocrite.

Gasp! Hollywood is all about public image and a good business deal? People care about money? I’m shocked. Just. Shocked. I thought actors entertained people out of the goodness of their hearts like court jesters.

Listen, if Ellen Page is gay, she can gay out all she wants. She doesn’t owe it to anyone to speak out on anything. So what if she doesn’t want her career to suffer by coming out. It’s her choice. Just like it’s my choice not to tell everyone I’m into autoerotic asphyxiation and burying hookers in my backyard. Wait, oops. Dammit!

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13 years ago

Wow that was not journalism. That was an uneducated rant by an idiot. There were no actual facts in that. Only opinion. I hope Ellen paige’s lawyers sue the author for slander! And, so what if she is gay or not? Like it matters? She is a paid actor, hired to act and entertain us with her unique style and charisma! Not hired to answer 20 questions from a douch with Internet, a dime bag, and a serious chip on their shoulder who is determined to make someone else as miserable as themselves. So this is to the author… Lay… Read more »

13 years ago

This idiot is too funny! You have to admit this is a great rant, even though its completely stupid. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a joke from the way it was written. I mean this could be a rant against the president from the way the information is presented. My old English teacher would appreciate it. They looked up as much information as they could, and probably stalked her for a couple years; then tried to make some overly strong speech about what was going on. Its pathetic really that some bitch would take the time to write… Read more »

13 years ago

Blemish, I just read the article – what an ignorant, convoluted piece of journalism. By the way they seem to be saying she’s bisexual not gay. Since half the actresses in Hollywood seem to be bi, I don’t know what the big deal is. 

Cinema Nostalgia
13 years ago

It seems to me that just because someone is a public figure does not mean they are obligated in any way to divulge every aspect of their personal lives to those outside their immediate circle. If in fact she is gay/bi she will come out if and when she is good and ready.

13 years ago

This is freaking outrageous – so outrageous that I’m actually commenting. I don’t think I’ve commented on something online since 2007. How ARROGANT are you, to think that you know what’s best for a particular person, famous or not? Frankly, I don’t think you prove your point in this piece, anyway – and even if you did? I officially do not give a crap. Even if she were an actress I actually liked, I wouldn’t give a crap. It’s her private life. HER. PRIVATE. LIFE. How dare you invade it because you think she ought to be levering her celebrity… Read more »

13 years ago

Congratulations on being a white heterosexual female. For this, you are probably not going to experience much, if any, discrimination in your life. Could you even imagine how it would feel for someone to hate you for who you love? I know you cannot even begin to imagine it. You cannot even begin to imagine how much suffering EVERY SINGLE GAY PERSON has gone through. How many times we have wondered, “what the f@#$ is wrong with me?” Because we have no role models! And you lucky bitch. You can f**k whoever you please and then smile because someone decided… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  june

Heterosexual females are never discriminated against? Really? Women have been oppressed and discriminated against since the dawn of time, just because it’s more subtle in Western culture now doesn’t mean it’s over. Are you aware of anything that goes on outside the US? Why don’t you look up female genital mutilation and then tell me again how the world is such an easy place for straight women? 

13 years ago

Woah june chill out I’m pretty sure we all realize that it is hard to be gay and I don’t think Theendofeverything was trying to make you feel unvalidated as a gay person.  The point is you don’t out a person just because you feel that she’d be a good gay role model, it is up to that person when and if that person wants to come out.  The poster of that article was wrong for what they did, the article while it may have originally came from a good place not only comes off as mean spirited, selfish, and… Read more »

MacDaddy for ELLEN!
MacDaddy for ELLEN!
13 years ago

GO get ’em tiger!!!Ellen can be whatever she wants, I get a boner just thinkin’ about whats under that hood…..

12 years ago

Why is everything posted twice?

Feminist Whore
13 years ago

Wow I love it when the big finish is a dead hooker joke. 

13 years ago

Why must we be so quick to say ‘hey I’m bi, I’m gay or hetro.’??? Who cares either way? She is young, why must we put in stone who we are and what we stand for. I Love that Ellen page hasn’t responded. Why should she give in to bullies??? That is what you are being. It seems that the world has to label everything. Being open to the universe is not an option anymore, which pisses me off. We put enough pressure on the young, now they have to choose sexuality too.!!? Land of the free my ass.

13 years ago
Reply to  Mactheknife

Massively agree, I literally could not give a s**t less about what someone’s sexuality is, just let it be, chill, and hang out with a cold one and have a laugh

12 years ago
Reply to  Jsl

thank you. agreeeeed totally.

13 years ago

 It seems to me that the author doesn’t want Ellen Page to be a role model, but rather a tool for their political agenda. Ellen Page’s work is public but her life should be her own. It’s so arrogant to assume that for the price of a movie ticket or dvd one has the right to unlimited access to actors personal lives. If you enjoy her work, leave it at that, if you don’t, find something better to do. Personally, I’m a fan. 

Herman Bumfudle
13 years ago

wow! that is delicious!

13 years ago

who cares if she is gay or not,,,, its her own personal choice,…… no matter what , she is still an extremely georgeous young lady.

13 years ago

The author outing her is a complete moron. Even if she is gay, it isn’t anyone’s right to out someone else. Plus, he proves absolutely nothing.

13 years ago

The problem with the Gay extremists (the ones who are all about everything and everyone being gay) is that they are hypocrites.  If someone is Gay, that is their business.  If they want to not be ‘in your face’ about their sexuality, that is their business.  But according to the Gay Extremists/Crazies EVERYONE should be out and in your face and over the top flamboyant…..unless of course you are straight. If you are straight and open about your sexuality then you are a pig, or some kind of h**o-phobe. Typical hypocrisy at its best.  Be who you want and be… Read more »

Thankful she's legal!
Thankful she's legal!
13 years ago

I’m a pig and I’d root Ellen any day, Bi, Gay or Hetero. As Long as I have a face, Ellen Page will have RESERVED SEATING!!! And Who the hell gives a s**t about her sexual preferences? That is HER choice and it’s none of our business. We love Ellen for who she is and her mastery of her craft. She has picked her causes to champion and is doing a wonderful job at it so don’t try to force her into a cause that you yourself are having a shitty time getting into.

12 years ago

Ellen Page is a hypocrite? By what standards … yours? So what does that make you a journalist, sounds more like you think your God. I guess if people don’t come out of the closet, or vote for the right political candidate, or do something else you don’t agree with then that makes them wrong. I have no problem with someone stating their opinion about anything, but when you blatantly throw anyone under the bus just for the sake of your opinion, that is just fundamentally not ok. Even if Ellen Page did come out and was like a poster –… Read more »

12 years ago

You know an article is good when you find numerous typos… Yeah this is bull, no one gives a crap whether she’s gay or straight or bi or whatever she can choose whatever she wants. Just because shes a celebrity doesn’t mean it’s our business anyway.

12 years ago

Dude, she isn’t even pretending to be straight or gay. Your sexuality is nothing but a wee bit of your personality. She did not say she was NOT gay or NOT straight. So how is she being dishonest?  MANY stars choose to keep their personal lives PRIVATE. Because of jackasses like you. Trolling her feeds/updates, checking who she’s dating. NOT to be happy for her. But to criticize her on her choices for her own life.  Come on, you are no saint yourself. No one is.  She didn’t commit some heinous act and you’re bashing her here. Why not write… Read more »

12 years ago

This is ridiculous. No one has the right to do this, as everyone below already stated, this is HER life. You have absolutely no right to out her. Do you even realize how hard it is to come out of the closet? Let alone the fact that she doesn’t only have her family, friends and peers to face but also her fan base and the general public?? Not everyone has your views on coming out, and quite frankly you’re nothing more than an arrogant bastard. My best friend went through this with only her family and I saw how hard… Read more »

12 years ago

LOL This dude didn’t out Ellen page.I got here by googling is Ellen page gay because she seems so gay.She outed herself by having the mannerisms of a 12 yr old boy

Frank Diaz
12 years ago
Reply to  Loch121

dude i did the same thing. It came across strongly in inception and regardless.. if she is into women, thats great.. I’m not opposed.. just got bored and watched inception hahahaha..

12 years ago

This is horrible. She doesn’t have to come out to anyone. She doesn’t owe anyone and while a lot of people want to know it’s her choice. She is honest about her beliefs and thoughts and supports the gay community but why should she have to be a gay actress or a gay activist? Why can’t she just be an actress or an activist? You don’t come out as straight so why come out as gay. Also for all they know there could be people in her life that for many reasons she can’t tell or has chosen no to… Read more »

12 years ago

Agreed. Ellen page is such a cutie. Shed be mine if… well if i were famous, rich, and a talented actor. Needless to say she Is amazing

12 years ago

Wow seriously? For one, who are you to judge and assume that because she’s a white female she will never be discriminated against and two, that just because she’s heterosexual a blow job equals love. Its people like you that make the gay community look like a bunch of whiny jackasses. If you think sexism doesn’t exist(yes, it happens to white women too)then your just plain ignorant. That would be like someone saying “racism is dead.” ALL discrimination, whoever it is directed at regardless of sexuality gender or ethnicity is wrong. Because guess what, homosexuals aren’t the only ones that… Read more »

12 years ago

Hypocritical is what that is. If you want to be accepted for who you are then stop trying to change everybody else.

12 years ago

I understand the weight that is put on so many gay teenagers who feel stuck, depressed and such. But, who doesn’t feel stuck and depressed these days? Don’t you think Ellen Page might have possibly felt depressed, because she couldn’t express her true feelings for a woman?!  Her mere success should be enough of a statement, why make a spectacle out of something that simply is?! It is people like you that want to make people stay in the closet!  People that want others to be out and proud and loud!!!  S**t, being out and going about your business should… Read more »

David, Glasgow.
David, Glasgow.
12 years ago

The sad sickos and perverts obsessed with Ellen’s sexuality are utterly pathetic. LEAVE HER ALONE !

12 years ago

“A site called V-Genertations allegedly claims”…Am I missing something, because it appears to me that the BLEMISH author is criticizing an article for a DIFFERENT site… The long piece that seems to “out” Ellen is not the work of the Blemish author, and yet everyone seems to be attacking the individual that wrote the first and last paragraph of what you see above… As a female whos sexuality doesn’t fit into any kind of box I understand the need for good role models, but NO ONE has any right to require anyone to make public aspects of her/his PERSONAL life.… Read more »