PETA to Start a Porn Site

PETA, realizing that sex sells, will launch a porn site in the near future that will hopefully convince people eating meat is bad.

“We live in a 24 hour news cycle world and we learn the racy things we do are sometimes the most effective way that we can reach particular individuals,” said PETA spokeswoman Lindsay Rajt.

“We really want to grab people’s attention, get them talking and to question the status quo and ultimately take action, because the best way we can help the greatest number of animals is simply by not eating them.”

“PETA’s sexy side displayed in galleries and videos will quickly give way to the sinister world of animal mistreatment uncovered by the group’s hidden camera investigations in a very different kind of graphic content.”

“There will be a lot of girl and boy next door content, but we haven’t ruled out celebrities on the site as well,” said Rajt. “People who are extraordinarily dedicated to helping animals and who are willing to do whatever it takes to draw attention to the suffering they endure.”

Are they saying they’re going to intersperse their porn with images and videos of animal mistreatment? Because it’s going to be hard for me to masturbate to naked chicks while a chicken gets de-beaked in the background. Not impossible, mind you, but very difficult.

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13 years ago

They’re gonna make porn without eating meat?  That’s not porn.

13 years ago

Ohhh, you ARE a “dude.” And your testosterone is still ruling your brain…too bad, thought this was going to be a fun place to visit but all the hard on comments are ruining the fairly witty content [Krap.] As for PETA — isn’t that for Pricks Enjoying Their (own) Attention. SOoooooo busy promoting their name and all the would be celebs who can use them as an excuse to (legitimately) take their clothes off, didn’t notice all those vegans swearing off leather in their designer bags and shoes, pants & skirts they were shedding for their buff photo shoot. [insert… Read more »

13 years ago

They’re gonna make porn without eating meat?  That’s not porn.

13 years ago

Ohhh, you ARE a “dude.” And your testosterone is still ruling your brain…too bad, thought this was going to be a fun place to visit but all the hard on comments are ruining the fairly witty content [Krap.] As for PETA — isn’t that for Pricks Enjoying Their (own) Attention. SOoooooo busy promoting their name and all the would be celebs who can use them as an excuse to (legitimately) take their clothes off, didn’t notice all those vegans swearing off leather in their designer bags and shoes, pants & skirts they were shedding for their buff photo shoot. [insert… Read more »