Charlie Sheen Really Wants a Job

Charlie Sheen presented at the Emmys last night and fellated his co-stars on Two and a Half Men wishing them nothing but success. It was painfully obvious he’s hurting for work and this was his Plan B as I’m sure he was devastated to find out the world doesn’t revolve around him and that Men would continue without him.

Backstage, Sheen supposedly gave Ashton Kutcher some advice. I imagine it consisted of him telling Ashton to get treatment for his bi-polar disorder if he has one, don’t piss off your bosses because they will terminate your million dollar per episode contract and asking if he had any blow.

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13 years ago

Yesterday I
watched the backstage cam on the Emmys’ website.


I felt
sorry for Sheen, it was extremely obvious that he was sucking up to Kutcher, after
they met on the backstage of the Emmys Sheen tweeted something like I gave the
new kid a little advice. That was even more pathetic, the new kid?? Are you
freaking kidding me like nobody knows Kutcher xD.


I have news
for you Sheen “the new kid” got your job and nowadays is probably
more famous than you, so you should ask him some advice xD

13 years ago
Reply to  DavidH

Out with the old, in with the new. Sheen overestimated his value. Too bad for him.

13 years ago

I heard he ACTUALLY sucked Ashton’s cock and Demi Skyped in telling him he was doing it wrong…bummer.

13 years ago

Yesterday I
watched the backstage cam on the Emmys’ website.


I felt
sorry for Sheen, it was extremely obvious that he was sucking up to Kutcher, after
they met on the backstage of the Emmys Sheen tweeted something like I gave the
new kid a little advice. That was even more pathetic, the new kid?? Are you
freaking kidding me like nobody knows Kutcher xD.


I have news
for you Sheen “the new kid” got your job and nowadays is probably
more famous than you, so you should ask him some advice xD

13 years ago
Reply to  DavidH

Out with the old, in with the new. Sheen overestimated his value. Too bad for him.

13 years ago

I heard he ACTUALLY sucked Ashton’s cock and Demi Skyped in telling him he was doing it wrong…bummer.