Criss Angel Engaged

Criss Angel, who’s miraculously cornered the market on douchey magicians, is engaged to Sandra Gonzalez. He surprised her in Cabo with a 5-carat diamond and platinum ring. Angel’s rep says, “The couple is ecstatic.”

Angel and Gonzalez met four years ago on the set of his series Mindfreak. Conveniently after he divorced his wife in 2006. Note that Angel hid the fact that he was married during the series to further his career. Because that’s what douche bags do. She appeared in two of his illusions and was credited as “Criss’s Girl.”

In November 2008, Criss began dating Holly Madison. That relationship ended a year later. I’m not sure where Sandra fits into this timeline but my best guess would be in a box with a secret trap door where he keeps all his side pieces.

Up top is Criss Angel and a girl credited as Jennifer White but who may actually be Sandra Gonzalez in Mexico at the end of August.

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13 years ago

yeah OKAYYY criss angel…this is really gonna last let me tell ya! she is entirely too young and they look ridiculous together. im willing to bet they will grow to find they have nothing in common in the long run. in any know how when you look at two people and can tell they fit or compliment one another? yeah not happening here. it looks like father and daughter…gross! she’s only 21-22 yrs old and he’s about to be 44 and has been seeing her off and on for 4 yrs now (do the math lol.) she’s not much… Read more »

13 years ago

Criss may marry her, but he will still have his select ‘loyals’ on the side, just as he has done since the days in the basement of the WWE restaurant.

Jessica Sobonya
13 years ago

Jennifer White?! LOL where in the world do you get your information? That is Sandra. And, Criss and Sandra weren’t in Mexico at the end of August – they were in Mexico the first full week of September because BeLIEve was dark then. #factchecking #tryitsometime

The Blemish
13 years ago

I say Jessica White because that’s what the photo agency credited her as. As you can read, I said it’s probably Sandra.

Jessica Sobonya
13 years ago

And, also, Criss and Holly dated for a mere four months, not “a year” as you imply by saying their relationship ended “a year later.” It was also never a secret that Criss was married to JoAnn, despite the fact that she was called “Criss’ Girl” in a few episodes. Anyone who bothered to scratch the surface of their relationship would easily find out that Criss and JoAnn were married at that time.

Mari Elizabeth
Mari Elizabeth
13 years ago

It won’t last and wonder if they’ll have a child together since he loves children.

13 years ago

Criss get your money saved for your divoice number 2.

13 years ago

Criss Angel will do anything to get his name out there.  Sadly for him his live show isn’t doing well.  No real woman over the age of 30 wants to be with h itim at the moment.  What better way to get attention is to marry the child he has been dating.  He knows that will create talk and that is all he is interested in.  It is apparent that people over the age of 30 see what a fool and what a mistake he is making.  From reading around the only ones who are for this joke of a… Read more »

Mimi Jenkins Whitney
13 years ago

I find it a little disturbing that his tits look bigger than hers.

13 years ago

Criss’ oldest daughter is named Joann,  after her mother, Criss’ ex-wife.  She’s sitting beside his mother in Buried Alive.  Criss’ ex is sitting on the other.   She favors Criss and his mother.  Criss’ youngest daughter, also named Dimitra, and goes by Demi is the terrified looking child with full eyebrows and chestnut hair screaming directly prior to the Cement Block Drop.  She favors her uncle JD.  She’s also the young girl with dark nail polish wiping away tears during his Cremation..  That is post her plucking her eyebrows, which now, makes her favor her mother.   As the truth unfolds, the youngest… Read more »

13 years ago

Aw man Criss Angel used to be my dog now he is just a pig. Cant respect a man marrying a girl young enough to be his daughter. That is just so wrong on so many levels.

Criss is making a mistake
Criss is making a mistake
13 years ago

WHY??? Would Criss Angel want to marry again especially such a young kid?

13 years ago

Divoice number two on the way.  Doesn’t criss realize she is only 21 years old.  She didn’t grow up yet.

Christina kittrell
Christina kittrell
12 years ago
Reply to  Bella

I know right! Criss engages to a little 21 yr old! Omg! He doesn’t knw how to find a real woman! :( soon he will relize when he spends 2yrs with her that he’s made a huge mastake an want to divorce her! I mean CMON……….a 21 yr old girl and a 43 yr old grown man! That is just illegal in so many levels! Ugh! Criss why?????? Get engaged to someone that is at ur age!

Beth Larosa
Beth Larosa
13 years ago

Sorry Criss I must turn away from you.  You used to be the man but now I only see a fool.  Watching you with this 21 year old kid makes me think you have serious issues.
Good luck to you.  I hope it works out.

13 years ago

Criss Angel has taken on Sandra’s personality BORING.Criss has become a complete bore since dating boring little Sandra.

12 years ago

Sandra?  I thought that was his daughter.

Boring Couple
Boring Couple
12 years ago

Has anybody else notice how boring Criss has become since being with Sandra? What a boring couple they are!

12 years ago

HELLO Criss your g/f is a child.

12 years ago

people you know a lot about these two  WOW,can not know everything!!why no one criticizes Hugh Hefner? He also likes young girls.Criss may need young, fresh subscription relationship with a girl you know Sandra?might be a nice girl, and feel great with each other.can be emotionally mature— Criss childish and met in the middle of the road.criss knows what he’s doing!!!women his age are already planning ahead, beset by his personality and she gives him a holiday forever!

Sad for CA
Sad for CA
12 years ago

I used to love Criss Angel but now I’m 2 embrassed to look at him and his future high school girl bride.  Sad he can’t find a woman and needs a girl only 3 years out of high school.

12 years ago

Criss Angel loves children that is why he is marrying one.

12 years ago

I still believe that Criss Angel will be strong enough to get over this 21 year old girl and move on with a real relationship with a real woman.
I am hoping it is just a mid-life crisis for him and he wakes up soon and sees what we all in see in the funny looking romance.

12 years ago

I still believe that Criss Angel will be strong enough to get over this 21 year old girl and move on with a real relationship with a real woman.
I am hoping it is just a mid-life crisis for him and he wakes up soon and sees what we all in see in the funny looking romance.

12 years ago

Sandra is a teenager.

George F
George F
12 years ago

Criss Angel’s  wedding will take place after Sandra graduates High School in about a year.

12 years ago

GROSS!!  I hate seeing middle age man with girls old enough to be their daughter.

They look totally stupid together.

Why can’t middle age man realize that they are in the mid 40’s and not in their 20’s.

Maybe Criss is afraid of a real woman and being engaged to a 20 year old is easy.