“Hank Deserves a Lot More Sex”

Season four of Kendra premieres Sunday and Kendra Wilkinson’s new book, Being Kendra: Cribs, Cocktails & Getting My Sexy Back is out so now seems like the perfect time for some publicity.

Consequently, E! caught up with Kendra to talk about the show and her relationship with Hank Baskett. She talks about their rocky marriage after having the baby due to depression and not being able to put down roots. She also says they don’t have as much sex anymore. “He deserves a lot more sex, he definitely does. Women can be so crazy at times and forget about our men. You know, they need some love. They need some loving, too.”

That must suck for Hank Baskett. You’d think marrying a former Playmate who was one of Hugh Hefner’s live-in girlfriends would mean tons and tons of sex but no. You end up having a kid and all she wants to do now is whine about how you don’t have a home. Can bait-and-switch be grounds for divorce?

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13 years ago

Uhhh she lived with Hugh Hefner, she is used to not having sex

Herman melville
Herman melville
13 years ago

Looks like me and old hank are rolling down that same street. Sucks.