Lindsay Lohan Too Busy for Mandated Community Service

As part of no contest please for misdemeanor theft, Lindsay Lohan was ordered to do 480 hours of community service. 380 of those are to be done at the Downtown Women’s Center and 100 hours at the Los Angeles County Morgue.

At present, she’s completed 60 hours at the Downtown Women’s Center and no hours at the morgue though she has completed her shoplifters awareness class. The delay is in part to her being busy causing scenes at Fashion Week.

Lindsay’s next court date, a progress report hearing, is on October 17. As a result, her team is telling her to “log significant time to show the judge that she is working towards completing her hours.” Guess what Lindsay did? Recently hired as the face of Philipp Plein’s Spring 2012 collection, she booked a ticket to Milan for the runway show this weekend. “Lindsay’s rationale is that she has a year to complete the service, so she isn’t concerned about it right now.”

Although Lindsay should be concerned. Says an insider, “The judge has told Lindsay in the past that she will not accept any excuses whatsoever for her failure to complete her community service, period. If Lindsay was smart, she would work to get those hours done.”

But was anyone expecting different? Everything she’s done so far has shown she acts like an entitled child. And she should. Look at how many chances she gets. Anyone else and they’d been sent to Singapore to be caned by now.

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13 years ago

Exactly… even if she doesn’t do her community service, Holly will get her off somehow.  Why would she do it?

Garbage Truck
Garbage Truck
13 years ago

Ehhhh who cares about Lindsay trash heap. 

13 years ago

Shes busy suckin down drinks and powder
those same enablers will cry like her death was unexpected..

13 years ago

tragically i’m getting to that point. it’s called school, and the question is did i date youuuuu, er what?