Not much to say besides two leaked photos supposedly of Scarlett Johansson naked leaked online. No clue whether or not they’re real but it looks like Scarlett Johansson naked so it must be, right? The internet wouldn’t lie to me. Not like this. *Clutches monitor to heart* Check out the NSFW pics here and here.
Note: I feel like I’ve seen these before.
She is a friggin work of art
She is overrated. I use to date a chick that looked similar to this in every way except my ex had slightly larger tits. No biggie. I can walk around my neighborhood anytime to see 1 or 2 chicks per block that look much better than this and unless you live in the boonies you can too – they are everywhere. I think you guys need to get out more.
Not everyones a pimp like you ya retarted f**k stick
No we just get out and do instead of wishing like you ya fucktard goes for him tooVVVVVVV
No we just get out and do instead of wishing like you ya fucktard goes for him tooVVVVVVV
Yea you get out so much you are commenting on a comment. Lying on the internet seems to be a growing trend. 100 bucks says you are a virgin
I agree with u stranger
yeah ya fuctard twink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lols, this is a funny comment stream
ya thomas your ex looked similar except for the fact she was fatter and uglier. sure she had bigger tits because she was 200 pounds. quit trying to impress people you don’t know
Hey bra dont bash on his ex she did nothing wrong its this prick not him
Thomas is obviously not getting any, so he has to trash super hot actresses. That’s hilarious and sad at the sane time :)
Super hot????? you must be super fuckin wack to think shes super hot just cause a bunch of lames agree that they never had good looking pussy doesnt mean we all havent…. EVERYONE ON HERE TALKING THAT SUPER THIRSTY S**T CAN GTFOH!!
Super hot????? you must be super fuckin wack to think shes super hot just cause a bunch of lames agree that they never had good looking pussy doesnt mean we all havent…. EVERYONE ON HERE TALKING THAT SUPER THIRSTY S**T CAN GTFOH!!
Overrated? You overrate your own intellect, using terms like ‘chicks’ and ‘tits’ and ‘no biggie’. Where’s the dignity?
dignity???? on a site like this dignity????? ya fuctard twink swallow cock.
you got weird taste in women there bro. She is sexy as f**k and if that look-alike girlfriend thing is true, well done
I agree…hot women are everywhere! it’s the young and inexperienced guys who are desperate enough to post things like “goddess” and “perfect”… Gain yourself some confidence, our fake it if you must. Either way, approach ten women a day, without trying to pick them up, and you’ll find that once you are comfy talking to women, you’ll be able to find scarlett “lookalikes” and better! ultimately stop sitting around and gawking at the women on the internet and go out and find you 1 of your own it’s not that hard!
Lawl, you say this but you had to have looked up these pics in the first place. Fat kids can be cool on the internets.
You are a fucking moron, crawl back under your rock. I can just imagine what a looser you must be, 400lbs, no teeth and a comic book collection. Dildo
Whoa whoa whoa, u telling us to stop sitting around gawking at women on the Internet,….yet you’re here…???
ooooooo really i’m sure only thing yore fucked is you’re hand besides who are any of us to judge true beauty that’s on the inside but since none of us actually know her she still is good looking
I’ve pissed on bigger tits than you.
Omg fucking retards get a life! Damn ..
Omg fucking retards get a life! Damn ..
yeah yours, whilst you’re laying down on your back bitch tits twink dick swallower.
ewwwww but yeah i agree
you sure have gotten a lot of flack over what you posted. you could be tryin to play the whole thing off or you could’ve been serious…either way, you are right…there are beautiful women everywhere. Yes, there are more beautiful women than others, and ScarJo is amazingly gorgeous, but is she just as pretty on the inside?
f**k off hoser and go suck another dick.
The key to you post is “ex”. And as you walk around your neighborhood you wee, not who you are with. Too funny
I’m guessing thay you’re pulling your wire as I write this Thomas – you’re not very good with the ladies are you?
If you don’t think that Ms. Johansson is one of the greatest looking women on this planet, I’m thinking that she’s of the wrong gender for your liking.
Oh f**k, you sound like a giant douche… everyone must hate the s**t out of you.
i think you are a liar and cheat sir. (white glove slaps face) i challenge you to a duel of wits (said in sexy Italian voice)
U are such a gay bait. Quit poking boys in the butt Thomas.
and HA ! let’s see some photos of the ex ! and her bigger tits .
Ya right fagget!
She is one of the hottest women On the planet, hands down
i bet yer just some ones wife trying to get her husband off of porn for good
you in 10000 lifetimes could NEVER touch ScarJo.u lying dog.
them you woke up with your baloney in your
you sound like a bitch to me
Dude if a guy finds her attractive shes attractive to him stop crushin s**t man I think u need to spend more time worring about ware ur going then on whos hotter then u
I wanted to get her tattooed on my side” the pic of her with a sexy smirk” everyone who has seen it knows what I’m talking bout ya yeah she’s hot sooooo shut yo moutf thomass
you want a tattoo of a woman you don’t know or will never meet. Retard.
Big deal. Not a great deal more than what we saw in Lost in Translation.
As with most of you commenting it really is no big deal; she has nice breasts and should be proud of them but here’s where I cry foul…why on earth would ScarJo have nude photos of herself on her phone unless it was her intent to get her phone hacked…
You’re right if you don’t want pictures of yourself all over the internet don’t take the pictures. I’m sure she was looking for the publicity. Hasn’t been in a new movie for awhile.
These pictures are obviously fake. And she’s in a new movie now called the avengers. So it obviously wasn’t for the publicity.
I Always thought she was pretty hot in movies but I’m kinda disappointed with the nude pics. She looks like your average woman.
really nothing special but her bras.
ur a looser thomas haha weirdo!
shes still the hottest actress ever
If by “ever” you mean in the last 14 seconds, and by “actress” you mean snide little self-righteous skanky cum gargling thundersnatch with bad breath and a butthole so hairy it looks like she has Angela Davis hiding in her poop cannon, then yes hottest actress ever.
She’s a nice looking woman, but not a goddess.
Yeah a goddess makes you spray your underoos while arm wrestling your dad. That’s real sex appeal. Scar Jo looks like she has bad breath and a really hairy butthole.
The only thing that is ‘unjust’ is that she looks that great and I look nothing like her. She is stunning and if I had a body like hers I’d be ‘leaking’ it all over the place haha
leak on me
Looking great on photo and in film is mostly illusion. In real life the joke is on her.
show me what you have and I will decide to get in touch with you and impale you. you will love it and you will then always desire and dream of it.
There is a God after all….
I know. Praise the Lord. Pee on me.
Thomas, we should pee.
Thomas, f**k you. Shut the f**k up. I can’t think of one damn thing to hold up to her that would describe any part of her as even “blah”. Beautiful women ARE everywhere and many of them don’t look anything like this woman. Why compare? Also, life is NOT about how many of them you can faux-woo with your phony ass game. Pretend games only served us as children. Time to grow up boy!
I’d have to say she looks good but not perfect. I’ve seen better T and A.
She sure is beautiful. And the shot with her reflected in the mirror is a great photo. Dam good shot with a cell phone.
Lol, why are people getting so offended about Thomas not thinking Scarlett isn’t that attractive? He doesn’t think she is anything special. Stop throwing a hissy fit just because he has different tastes in women as you. If he was trying to “big himself up” why would he say he sees girls like her all the time? Honestly, what a stupid thing to go all “internet tough guy” about. I think Anne Hathaway is one of the most beautiful women ever, but I don’t throw a hissy fit when people say they don’t think she’s all that. Beauty is… Read more »
Are you going out with that Pee Wee Herman lookin’ wannabe stud mf???Thomas is a lying nutcase.he could never touch the likes of ScarJo…….. or Anne.
he got jumped off on because he is full of bull.
Anne Hathaway is a hideous gutter cunt. She looks like a dead road lizard dipped in pelican s**t to keep her ghastly ghostly opaque skin from being transparent. I wouldn’t spray s**t on her if I had dysentery and she was on fire underneath my baby’s crib. Just seeing her name made my Viagra’s Dick go limp.
Thomas is right. I live in a small town in Newcastle, England, and I see women walking round town that make Scarlett Johansen look like Susan Boyle. I would give Scarlett Johansen a 7 out of 10. Yeaaaaah boy
Where the f**k am I ?
so hot!
She is one of the most beautiful women in the hole world.
Disappointing pictures. I want to see some proper nude Scarlett Johansonn! She’s just so hot it’s unreal
I’m in my mid-30’s, been married for over a decade, and f**k you these pictures of her are fucking fantastic. Does that make me a dirty old man? Guess what… I don’t care.
You guys go at eaothers throat over comments made online. Everyone has there own life & opinion. There are many super hot chicks in the entertainment biz period! Porn, music, movies, etc……. However, They’re always in the public eye so people follow them alot. We all know there are a million women at arms length daily that are also super hot! I’ve def had my share. At the same time, I still will admire the bad ass one’s I see on tv. Guaranteed…… put my lady in make up, expensive jewelry & clothe & put her on tv & hella guys… Read more »