Kate Upton showed up to a Halloween event over the weekend dressed as Tabasco sauce complete with a little green hat as the cap. If you stare at the nutrition label on her back, you’ll be happy to know she has 0 grams of fat and is 100% sugar. This will be the best burning sensation you’ve ever felt.
Sadly, she didn’t go as Nicki Minaj as she said she would a couple days ago.
Being that you love Nicki, would you be going as Nicki for Halloween?
I should do that! I didn’t even think about that. I might end up going to a Halloween party, but all these Halloween parties are themed. Now I think I’m going to have to go as Nicki Minaj, now that you brought that up! Global Grind
What a letdown. I wanted to see Kate Upton in blackface.
I’d like a little Tabasco sauce on my wiener…
She still burns as she’s going down.