Lindsay Lohan Could Get a 1.5 Years in Jail

Lindsay Lohan is set to stand before the judge on Wednesday for her probation hearing and if found in violation, could face 1.5 years in jail. Haha, good one, guys. You crack me up.

We’ve learned Lindsay MUST be in court Wednesday to face the judge … and the judge has lots of questions, including why Lindsay was a no-show 9 times at the Downtown Women’s Center, where she was performing her community service. And the judge will almost certainly want to know why Lindsay didn’t comply with the order to spend a minimum of 4 hours at a time when she showed up at the Women’s Center.

And one more thing. The judge will almost certainly ask Lindsay why she didn’t meet with her shrink every Monday for 1 hour, as required by court order. Lindsay claims she did a bunch of therapy sessions by phone. TMZ

The answers to those questions are simple. Lindsay was in New York making out with a hotel owner to get into a Marc Jacobs party and then jetted off to France for a “modeling gig” which just turned out to be endless nights of partying. But if you ask Lindsay, she’ll just say everyone is out to get her. Aren’t they always?

I am not to be made an example of anymore. I am working hard and fulfilling my obligations every single day, to the court as well as myself. If I travel, its for work and its been approved. As is anything I do when I leave the state. I’d appreciate it if people will just let me do what is asked of me, so that I can get my life back. Please ignore the reports which have no truth to them. Thank you. Lindsay’s Who Say

I don’t know how no-showing 9 times at the Downtown Women’s Center and never spending a minimum of 4 hours when she did show or not meeting with her shrink every Monday for an hour counts as “fulfilling obligations.” That phrase may not mean what Lindsay thinks it means.

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Captain Obvious
Captain Obvious
13 years ago

Maybe she can get her teeth fixed in jail?

13 years ago

Prisoners in California get pretty good health care, so yea, she’ll get her teeth fixed. Maybe bleached and capped also.

Will this judge get tough and actually sentence her to real jail time? We can only hope.