Everyone, including PEOPLE magazine, wants to know why Lindsay Lohan has rotting teeth and blood-stained hands. I guess PEOPLE hasn’t figured out that its from smoking, drug use and general lack of hygiene, so, they asked her rep who gave a non-answer. It’s like he wasn’t even listening to the question.
“Lindsay is widely acknowledged as one of the most stunning actresses of her day, and we get requests every week wanting to do photo shoots with her from top photographers,” her rep, Steve Honig, tells PEOPLE.
“She’s been on the cover of Vanity Fair,” Honig says, “and the top beauty and fashion magazines. She’s a beautiful and glamorous actress.”
“With everything going on – from deteriorating public education to rampant homelessness to international unrest – there is no way I’m going to comment on Lindsay’s teeth,” he added. PEOPLE
Deteriorating public education and rampant homelessness? You’re Lindsay Lohan’s rep. Isn’t it your job to answer these questions? You’re not a damn politician.
meth, it does a body good
Im guessing CRACK or Meth!!
She has a fabulous grill…if you compare it to one that’s got the grease build up that comes with 3 years of cooking sausages on it.
I’m guessing crack, meth and ecstasy…
Im guessing bulimia. If she was doing drugs to the extent of destroying her teeth she would not be looking normal on any pictures (think Whitney Huston).
Plus, when all of her teeth fall out, she can charge $20 for a gummy-job instead of her regular $10 !!! She’ll be out of debt in no time…
I can see bulimia as a possibility however it appears in the photos (and i pray the media didnt do any touch-ups) that only her front teeth are showing most the adverse affects to whatever she’s doing. As an actress and the fact that most drug screening (unless requested by a PO) do not include meth but now a days there are 5 panel and 10 panel (guess which one has the most to test (ha-ha) tests and her clebrity still could influence a PO??? Again, this is just an opinion on the photos seen, it could be something as innocent… Read more »
she was so beautiful with her read hair, glowing skin and bright teeth. Now she looks hard, like a crack head. Shame on her for throwing away something millions dream of , beauty, fortune ..success. She’s a has been and is sinking further into the gutter. How sad
Id tap it….
her publicist’s comment makes me LOL
Don’t actresses and actors have someone who would say “Hey Lindsey you have a dentist appointment next week for a cleaning and whitening.” —Someone who would keep her caught up on something as important as her appearance.
Definitely meth and/or crack. Bulimia could not do this in such short a time span. From the look of her hands and nose, looks like she is huffing pain as well.
She’ll be smoking her teeth in no time can’t wait