Someone once told Jersey Shore’s JWoww to aim high and she did and she got what she wanted. Finally appearing on the cover of Maxim after being featured in the magazine three times, JWoww tells the mag how this honor means everything to her.
You’ve been in Maxim three times now, but this is your first cover. How does it feel?
I cried when I found out. I was jumping up and down and totally bugging out. This is probably my highest accomplishment.
Whoa, whoa, Icarus. Don’t fly too close to the sun. Now that she’s reached the most pivotal moment in her life, what’s next for this over-achiever? Finding a 20% off coupon for Bed, Bath & Beyond? Walking and chewing gum at the same time? One day waking up with a recollection of the night before? Do tell.
Jwoww looks way better than boring olivia munn who was also recently in Maxim. JWoww should school Lindsay Lohan on how to have class. It would be an improvement. Or they can have a competition on who gets more facial fillers and botox injections. Fun time.