In early December, while Kristen Stewart was filming Snow White and the Huntsman in England, Robert Pattinson left La Poubelle restaurant with actress Sarah Roemer and was seen… STROKING HER HAND IN THE BACK OF A CAR! Uh oh. Twi-hards, assemble!
An insider tells OK!, “Rob’s one of the world’s biggest heartthrobs and Kristen’s never been able to relax the whole time she’s been with him. This was, like, her worst fear realized.”
Of course, Rob says nothing happened. Though why he would admit something like that is beyond me. Regardless, Rob is scared Kristen might get all pissy when she comes home and be all *makes constipated face* and now he’s trying to save their relationship by… buying her a diamond ring? What? I’m sure there are 20 other ways to look less guilty than proposing marriage. If I was Rob, I’d just laugh it off. But try not to do a forced laugh for 5 minutes straight because then it gets suspicious. And, frankly, sort of awkward.
The Blemish is a good name for you. You’re a Blemish on society for spreading such lies and malicious gossip. No matter how many times or how many of you try to convince us otherwise, we fans know the truth of what went down. The more you bring this subject up, the more stupid and idiotic you make yourselves look. So do yourselves a favor and drop it already and go pick on someone else for a change.
Twi-hards. Assembled.
she should dump him, right away. too beautiful to be with an asshole. no second chances, so she doesn’t end up like demi moore, being humiliated. why would she want to be with someone like that?.
If he was with another women congratulations. Your single, young and full of live. Go out and enjoy life. No hassel and no jealous behind every rumor.
Ummm….Jacob Is Much Better Looking….
hello robert you need to grow up and see kristin stewart is a great woman i didn’t see any complaning when you and BELLA were in the twilight movies fans love the idea of you going out you should think about that.ALSO I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN ROBERT AND KRISTIN