This morning on The View, Whoopi Goldberg lifted up her butt cheek and let one rip while chatting with guest Claire Danes. She didn’t try to hide it and even took some pride in it saying, “Excuse me, I think I just blew a little frog outta there!”
Coincidentally, this also sums up how I feel about the show. Video after the jump.
Why is Whoopi Goldberg wearing a baseball umpire chest pad?
As I have thought for YEARS, this is the most disgusting & physically ugly human being on planet earth – & I don’t even want to start with how shockingly stupid & completely
insipid she is. :O(
What the Kardashians exemplify in the word “pig” she does so with “ape.”
I’ll be darned, the fart heard round the world is now copywrited. Wh knew????