Blind Items Revealed

Crazy Days and Nights have revealed a few of their blind items. It takes the fun out of guessing but I never liked guessing anyway. Especially guessing whether a Thai hooker is a man or not. That is the worst. Anyway, here are a few.

Which big celebrity couple of 2011 broke up because the guy could not stop hooking up with their threesome partner? — Alex Rodriguez & Cameron Diaz

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth want a threesome but can’t decide who to go with. My pick would be Selena Gomez.

Alex Rodriguez and Cameron Diaz broke up because A-Rod couldn’t stop banging their threesome partner. Understandable when you’re screwing Cameron Diaz.

Even though Beyonce is pregnant, Jay-Z still hits up the strip clubs. I mean, who wants to see your fat wife jiggle her belly during a lap dance?

Zac Efron is dating Rumer Willis but really wants to bang Demi Moore.

Luke Wilson prefers black strippers to dance for him and even bought a car for one of the girls.

Adrianne Curry offered to do a threesome with Doug Hutchison and Courtney Stodden. Probably so she could ride their coattails to d-list fame.

Jessica Alba is actually really nice and arranged for 50 homeless people to have a holiday meal at her place in a tent she set up at her house. And she didn’t even gas them!

Robert Pattinson was hooking up with Nikki Reed and then he hooked up with Ashley Greene and he keeps going back to Greene. They even got a noise complaint from a European hotel for having loud sex. Granted, if I was banging Ashley Greene, I’d want everyone to know it too.

Lea Michele is a two-faced diva.

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